Last Saturday Hubby and I had a nice and relaxing day. We started the day by touring six new homes all decorated by different designers. I recognized a lot of the furniture and accessories from Pottery Barn and Ballards. It was a beautiful day and they had a band playing light jazz, a winery serving samples and different vendors set up with home improvement ideas. I thought you might enjoy seeing some of the pictures I took of the homes.

All of the designers used grain and coffee sacks in the homes.
Recognize the shelf from Pottery Barn? The tag on the wall would be an easy knock-off!
Every house had at least one room painted green. That's good news for me since I have several green rooms.
Love the colors and this desk! This was such a beautiful bedroom.
This is just a small sample of the eighty or so pictures I took! Why so many? You see the Homearama ends on October 3rd and the next day all the furniture and accessories go on sale to the public! Remember I said there are lots of things from Pottery Barn and Ballards? My pictures are of items I am interested in and which house they are located. I already talked one of the builder's wife into letting me see the price list and I could see things were very discounted. I can't wait until October 4Th!
Thanks for taking this tour with me.