Two and a half years ago Hubby and I moved to Virginia and put our Florida home on a weekly rental program. This meant the beach home needed to be fully furnished, including dishes, flatware, small appliances ect. We moved with only four pieces of furniture, my beloved transferware and a few boxes of home accessories.
Now we own two homes full of furniture and accessories and an antique booth filled to the brim. As I look around our Virginia home I wonder how in the world did I accumulate so much stuff in such a short period of time and why did I buy all this to start with?
Now, don't get me wrong, I have always loved decorating and changing out accessories. I have never been a minimalist where our home is concerned but I also never had the accumlation of things I do now.

Now we own two homes full of furniture and accessories and an antique booth filled to the brim. As I look around our Virginia home I wonder how in the world did I accumulate so much stuff in such a short period of time and why did I buy all this to start with?
Now, don't get me wrong, I have always loved decorating and changing out accessories. I have never been a minimalist where our home is concerned but I also never had the accumlation of things I do now.
I truly believe blogging has contributed to my obsession.
Do I really need six sets of dishes to create a pretty table scape?
Is it necessary to buy every cute thing I see at the thrift store just because it
will make a nice vignette for my blog?
Why do I feel it necessary to justify my purchase by saying
it was only $4.00 or it was such a deal?
How many demijohns does one person need?
Why do I have wood and supplies cluttering the garage
just waiting for my next project?
As we begin the process of selling our home I am donating things back to the original thrift stores where I purchased them. Some things have been taken to my booth and everything marked 50% off for a quicker sale. I have sold several pieces of furniture on Craigslist so far and we plan to have a garage sale once the house is under contract. Other things have been packed away. Each time I pack something I ask myself do I love this and do I really need it. If not it goes in one of the other piles.
The funny thing is once I started to de-clutter I began to really like the way our home looked.
Do you buy things at garage sales or thrift stores just because they are a deal and do you ever feel overwhelmed with so much stuff?
I am joining the parties at: