Ta-Da...French Vanity Is Finished

    If you have been following along then you read about our four hour trip to buy this vanity.  I have finally finished painting it to match the other bedroom furniture.

    Remember what it looked like last week?

    Her finish was a little beat up but the cane was in excellent condition. So here she is now....

    Now I have somewhere to display my sterling vanity pieces and the vanity has a new home in the sitting room off of the master bedroom.

    The carpet is a light cream even though this pictures make it look pink!

    This is the bed that started the whole thing.  We bought the bed new in this finish and then I matched paint for the armoire and now the vanity. The armoire was also purchased at auction and was originally painted black.

    We have two matching Pierre Deux chest (one seen in the above photo) that also came from a auction. Can you tell I love the deals you can find at auctions?

    Sorry about the quality of photos.  My camera is going to the shop next week to see what is going on.

    Don't forget the Open House party that starts Wednesday evening.

    Hope to see you there.


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